Nerpatham Weekly is a publication that has become a guide of healthy reading in Malayalam within a short span of time. It demonstrates the policies and views of Wisdom Islamic organization on in the light of Islamic teachings.

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Wisdom Books

Islam is a religion that gives noble importance to reading. The Holy Qur'an is revealed with the command to read it. But how many of us have taken this reading seriously? No people can prosper without reading and listening.  Literacy and reading are also considered as the basis of human existence. That is why the divine revelation begins with an emphasis on reading. Knowledge determines the position of individuals. That is where the Qur'anic question, "Are the knowledgeable and the ignorant equal?"

The basis of thought is reading and hearing. The Qur'an says, "Give glad tidings to those who listen to the words and follow the good." Reading is essential for accurate thinking and learning.  Just as language is described as a culture, so we can call reading culture itself. Reading is the mindset that envisions change. Reading innovates the old and leads us to the new. 

Wisdom Books is a publishing house started by the Wisdom Islamic Organization with the aim of making quality Islamic books available for Keralites worldwide.